It’s quite common to have different types of tests. Many have been taught that one should strive for a testing pyramid. Something like: ![[Pasted image 20250108230927.png]] The reason for the py...
Faster Kotest
Add these properties to speed up your Kotest executions. // in build.gradle.kts or a convention plugin tasks.withType<Test>().configureEach { useJUnitPlatform() // [... maybe other c...
KotlinConf 2024 Wrapped
I went to my first KotlinConf this year. It was a nice experience, and I’d really like to go again next year. It was fun to finally meet face-to-face with some people which I’ve only interacted wit...
Multi-project test report aggregation
Context We have a multi-project build using multiple jvm test suites (unit tests and integration tests). I want to aggregate the test reports of all these projects, irrespective of test type, into ...
Preventing parallelism of certain tasks in Gradle builds
Context In a multi-module Gradle build, it is sometimes desirable to prevent Gradle from running multiple things in parallel. Gradle typically scans input/output dependencies between tasks to deter...
A lesson in idempotency
Today a client reached out. They use software which I’ve built to manage invoicing between companies in their group. Problem was that some intra-group invoices had been handled but no invoices had ...
Accidental task avoidance
When I got to work today, my colleague informed me that he couldn’t build the master branch on his machine. I checked Github and sure enough, the integration tests on master were broken there as w...
Commas!, Everywhere,
Trailing commas is a great feature in Kotlin that has been around since version 1.4 (2020). A trailing comma is a comma left dangling w/o purpose, for instance in this example: listOf( "foo",...
Improving the default Spring Boot gradle build
Issues In the previous article, we broke down the components of the Spring Initializr Gradle build. I posted the article to the Kotlin language slack for feedback and Björn Kautler suggested a few ...
Creating a Spring Boot project for Kotlin and Gradle
This post will walk you through setting up a basic gradle project for Kotlin JVM development. Over the series, we’ll evolve the project into a fully fledged, multimodule multiplatform project whils...
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